Saturday, November 1, 2008

What happens at ZuZu's...........

........stays at ZuZu's............ at least, that's what I told her anyway.  These pics are just to good not to post.  What a wild party!  What's that saying?  While the people are away......... ???  Oh well.

.........  and it just goes downhill from there, trust me.  What a night!!!!   I just hope we can get everything cleaned up before her people get home.

I have a headache.

M. Wooley


Gooseshooter said...

There had better be some left for me!!!

KathyB. said...

Oh my, did the esteemed Mr. Wooley break into the best stuff ? Will the home be cleaned up before the owners return ? Will Mr. Wooley escape punishment ? And does Mr. Wooley know Zuzu's owners had a grand time without her ?

Will Zuzu seek revenge or pout when they return ? Inquiring minds want to,. no, NEED to know !

Wilson Clan said...

LOL! I bet Zuzu and Mr. Wooley are counting down the days until the next time they can party!

Anonymous said...

Well at least ZuZu had the decency to place a towel over the chair cushion before she went on her drinking binge! Now for some real fun, try hanging over here with our feline Cocoa Bean and hunting down some of Tom's precious Quail.
~ Autumn

Gooseshooter said...

Mr. Wooley- Thanks a lot! We came home to find your evil influence had corrupted our precious ZuZu. Because you supplied so much beer for her, she left a surprise on the dining room floor.She is so ashamed she has asked that you be punished by being forced to watch video of your recent operation. We don't know if we will be asking for a visit anytime soon.

But, family is family. So, I am sure ZuZu will forgive you.

KathyB. said...

Mr. Wooley, are you over your hangover ? I left you an award on my blog oh amazing one !

Anonymous said...

mr wooley, mheeeeeeeeeee cazaaaaaaar heeeeeeer